'IRAQ education or to regard it as of secondary importance in the work of regenerating the country. Nevertheless, only two primary schools were established by the end of 1915, although subsidies had been granted to the two institutions already mentioned. TABLE I Mam Headings 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees i Headquarters Administra- tive Expendi- ture.* 5>54>230 11,83,425 24,18,253 33,9o,ioo 73,60,714 2 Political Offi- cers, Revenue Establish- ments 5,48,892 9,19,085 51,^9,233 93,21,690 70,67,420 3. Customs 1,11,898 3,85,800 5>8o>350 6,75,000 29,64,169 4. Transport — 30,87,834 5 Judicial 1,20,207 1,27,295 2,14,983 3,73,ooo 8,21,145 6 Medical 6i,345 87,180 i,39,887 4,63,750 20,31,542 7. Education 6,500 23»53° 35,5^0 1,80,000 8,86,808 8 Police 1,99,146 2,86,975 8,90,163 12,04,080 22,71,389 9 Jails 20,126 44,460 98,517 1,67,400 5,44,304 10. Public Works — i,o5>45° 4,61,400 8,74,700 49,63,292 ii. Posts — — 23,74,831 12. Telegraphs — — — — 8,19,868 13. Survey — — — — 94,859 14. Irrigation — — — — 38,78,605 15. Agriculture — — — — 3,81,738 1 6. Levies — — — • — 66,49,490 Totals 16,22,344 31,63,200 100,28,286 166,49,720 461,98,008 * Includes Salaries, Secret Service, Subsistence Allowances, Sea Passages, Telegrams, Stationery, Press, etc. Figures for all years, except 1919-20, based on Review C. Admin., 1914-1920, p. 119. Figures for 1919-20 based on actuals in Budget Estimates, 1920-21, p. iii. During the same period only Rs.6,500 were spent on pro- moting education, or 0.4 per cent of the civil expenditure, Rs. 16,22,344. * In the following fiscal year,2 however, Rs. 1 Note by Financial Secretary in Review C. Admin., 1914-1920, p. 119. For table of expenditures by heads, see Table I. 2 April ist to March 3ist. 126